Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The destiny grows

Mysticstar sat proudly outside of her shaded den. The first members were adapting nicely, and she could tell at this rate Aspenclan could truly call themselves the strongest in the forest someday. This made her excited."I'll show Stormstar, and he'll be sorry." She smiled to herself, but there was still something that bugged her. Why had Stormstar always been so kind to her, then just kicked her out? She shoved it away."Don't have any second thoughts on the mangy flea-bag." She growled, a little louder than she intended. Thunderstrike came to her."You okay Mysticstar?" She nodded lightly."Yes, I'm fine." Thunderstrike could tell she need to get her mind off of something."Why don't you send Bluegaze and someone to go on border patrol." 

"Very well." Mysticstar padded to the Tall Stump."Bluegaze," She called for the she-cat's attention."With you as my deputy, I expect you to make border patrols and hunting patrols." Bluegaze nodded and looked around thoughtfully."I'll take Thunderstrike on border patrol." Mysticstar nodded."Good, please be quick. We must make sure no clan even tries to take territory." Thunderstrike shrugged and followed Bluegaze into the burrow.
Bluegaze and Thunderstrike walked calmly along the established border, rubbing on trees and rocks to leave the new Aspenclan scent."Did you hear that?" Thunderstrike pricked his ears. Bluegaze listened, and they both heard faint talking. The two cats slunk into the undergrowth, knowing how to blend and went until the voices grew stronger. They stopped at the edge of a clearing to find a large group of cats."We need to get going." A ginger tom said."If we are going to find this new clan we need to hurry." A silver she-cat looked at him."Firetail, we don't even know if they're new just by scenting their borders. And my siblings are tired." She turned to two apprentice-aged cats.

"They are new, Silverwing. The scent wasn't as strong as the other clan borders." Firetail said in quick response."But fine, we can rest." He settled down."Your worrying too much." A white she-cat with black dapples smiled at him."Everything will be fine." They all settled down and began to sleep."Wait," Thunderstrike and Bluegaze emerged from the ferns. All the adult cats jumped up defensively, and Silverwing told the younger ones to stay behind them."Who are you?" A black she-cat hissed the demand."Calm down, who do you think we are?" Bluegaze rolled her eyes."I'm Bluegaze, the deputy of Aspenclan." All the cats straightened their faces with realization and stood straighter."We heard you wanted to join the clan." Thunderstrike sat down calmly.

The black she-cat nodded."That was the idea we had." Two small ginger cats ran up to Bluegaze and Thunderstrike."I'm Burningpaw!" The tom beamed."That's my sister Rosepaw." He looked to her. Thunderstrike purred."Nice to meet you." He turned his gaze back up to the others."If that's the case, follow us." He nodded to Bluegaze and they both turned back into the undergrowth.
"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Tall Stump for our first official clan meeting!" Mysticstar yowled. Everyone gathered except for Emraldeyes, who watched from the nursery with her kits."First off, we have Silverwing as our medicine cat." The she-cat dipped her head with a smile."Next, Firetail, Silverfrost, Stellarnight, and Smokefern will join us as warriors!" All four smiled around at the other cats proudly, then moved to make room for the apprentices."By naming apprentices we show that Aspenclan is growing stronger. Burningpaw, Rosepaw, Lunapaw, Grasspaw, and Ripplepaw, do you promise to train hard and learn the way of the warrior code?"

The five young apprentice nodded their heads eagerly."We do." Mysticflight looked around thoughtfully."Then by the power of Starclan, I make you apprentices. Burningpaw, your mentor will be Bluegaze. Rosepaw, your mentor will be Thunderstrike. Lunapaw, your mentor will be Willowlily. Grasspaw, your mentor will be Dustshadow. Ripplepaw, your mentor will be me." She allowed the others to touch noses, then leaped down to touch her nose with Ripplepaw."That is all, meeting dismissed." She turned to Bluegaze."I want you to organize a hunting patrol."


Friday, July 15, 2011

Our First Cats.

Mysticstar laid peacefully on top of the Tall Stump, as she now called it. Thunderstrike entered the camp with prey in his jaws. He took it over to the pile they had been making for fresh-kill, like all the other clans."It has been quite a number of days, Mysticstar." Thunderstrike commented."I know." She said somewhat harshly."But cats will come. It isn't like we were the only ones out there." He nodded and left  it there. Mysticstar, with her hopes high, sat up and pointed her nose up in the air. She tried to find any unfamiliar smells. She and Thunderstrike had set the borders just this morning, and now could difference any smell from the smell of their territory.

"I smell other cats." She said, opening her eyes and narrowing them at the entrance."Come on." She ordered Thunderstrike to follow her into the entrance tunnel. Once she was out, she began following the scent with unbelievable speed. Thunderstrike ran as fast as he could to keep up. Suddenly, Mysticstar stopped in front of some ferns. She brushed them over ever so slightly and looked through. There were four cats, and three kits playing at their heels."Mommy, where are we?" A small grey she-kit pranced up to a black she-cat."I'm not sure, Sapphirekit. I just know it is clan territory." Mysticstar smiled to herself."Will they let us join?" A silver she-cat asked the others with quizzical blue eyes."We can only hope." The black she-cat answered again.

Thunderstrike turned to Mysticstar."Should we confront them?" Mysticstar shook her head."Not exactly. They want to join, so we will approach calmly." Thunderstrike nodded and they came out of the ferns. All four older cats got into a defensive stance as soon as they saw the two, while the three kits scampered behind what Mysticstar assumed to be their mother."Who are you?" A black tom growled at them. Mysticstar rolled her eyes."Oh please, like you could take on me. Anyways, we were patrolling and heard you would like to join us. The tom didn't seem to happy at her remark, but they all stood up when she finished speaking."Are you the leader?" A brown tabby she-cat looked at her suspiciously.

"Yes, I am Mysticstar, the leader of the new clan, Aspenclan." They all looked at each other thoughtfully."Yes, we will join." The black she-cat stepped forward."Then follow us." Mysticstar turned and dove into the bushes.
"I, Mysticstar, will join our first new members of Aspenclan!" She looked at the silver she-cat."Bluegaze, I have decided you will become the deputy of Aspenclan." The she-cat nodded and dipped her head with a smile, glancing at Thunderstrike every once in a while."I accept." Mysticstar dipped her tail."Good. Dustshadow, you will join my friend Thunderstrike as a warrior, as will you, Willowlily." She said to the black tom and the brown tabby she-cat."Lastly, Emeraldeyes will remain as a queen until her kits are old enough to be apprenticed. Her kits are Sapphirekit, Lotuskit, and Hawkkit." The black she-cat dipped her head and led her kits into the nursery.

Mysticstar watched her go in."That will be all, meeting dismissed!"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Beginning.

"I can't believe you did it AGAIN!" Stormstar paced back and forth angrily. Young Mysticflight watched him with narrow, lavender eyes."Nothing is wrong with a few scratches on the enemy." Stormstar stopped to look at her."A few scratches? Mysticflight, you almost killed all of them." He growled."Less cats to worry about." Stormstar shook his head."Why did you attack them? You had no reason." The beautiful but stubborn she-cat stood up defiantly."Those mangy Pondclan cats were hunting like crazy, all over our territory. I told them to leave and they wouldn't." Stormstar sighed."I know they weren't completely on the good side either, but you should never kill." Mysticflight scowled."I never meant to!" "No, I won't hear anymore. I'm sorry, but you'll have to leave the clan." Her face was wide-eyed for a moment, then she scowled again."Fine, I never liked it here anyways." She whipped around and sped out of the den, then out of camp through the pouring rain.

Stormstar watched her leave with sad eyes. He had loved the she-cat more than anything in the world."What have I done?" He sighed to himself and flopped into his nest.

Mysticflight continued to run, mumbling to herself."I was trying to defend our territory, they wouldn't leave." She grumbled, squeezing her eyes every once in a while to hold back the tears. When she couldn't run anymore, she flopped over in the mud as the rain grew heavier."What do I do know?" She looked to the sky, hoping Starclan would answer her. All she got in response was the rattling sound of thunder. She sighed and closed her eyes, falling into a troubled sleep.

"Hey! Are you okay? Hellooooooo!" Mysticflight slowly opened her haunting eyes. A ginger tom jumped back from her."Woah, those are the creepiest eyes I've ever seen!" He laughed slightly. Mysticflight soon came to her senses and jumped out of the nest."Where am I!" She demanded.The ginger tom looked around."Well, you're in my den right now. I found you passed out in the mud so I brought you in." Mysticflight rolled her eyes."I wasn't passed out, I was sleeping." The tom shrugged."Weird place to sleep in my opinion." "Just be quiet, who are you?" Mysticflight scoffed."I'm Thunderstrike. Iwas kicked out of Pondclan as an apprentice for killing a cat." He hung his head slightly. Mysticflight stopped and turned to look at him."Really?"

Thunderstrike nodded. Suddenly. a marvelous idea popped into her head."Hey, Thunderstrike, why don't we make a clan of our own!" Thunderstrike looked confused."What?" "Think about it, a clan where we are in charge, our rules!" He thought for a while."That sounds great!" Mysticflight nodded."But I will be the leader, since it was my idea." Thunderstrike nodded in agreement."Could I just be a senior warrior? I don't actually want superiority." Mysticflight smiled."That's fine. Let's go find a camp." She slipped out of the den."This territory is actually  next to a clan called Mysteryclan." Thunderstrike said after coming out after her. Mysticflight took it into note and wandered around.

The sun beat down hard on the two cats. Mysticflight looked to her new friend."There is a burrow over there. We should rest." Thunderstrike agreed and they went towards it. Mysticflight slipped in first, and kept going to find the end.  Her long. feathery whiskers brushed along the sides of the burrow, revealing no tunnels that side-tracked. The burrow then began to slope upwards. Mysticflight poked out her head to reveal a large clearing, surrounded so thickly by trees that it would be impossible to get out. She slipped out all the way and looked around, great places for dens. There was also a large stump in the middle of the clearing with a few rocks by it."This is perfect!" Mysticflight exclaimed.

Thunderstrike emerged from the tunnel and looked around as well."You're right." Mysticflight felt giddy. She jumped on the rocks, then onto the stump."I am now Mysticstar, leader of," She trailed off in thought."Aspenclan!" Thunderstrike cocked his head."Aspenclan?" The new Mysticstar nodded."Look how many aspen trees are around here along with the others." Thunderstrike nodded."I will lead this clan greatly, we will have no fear!"