Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The destiny grows

Mysticstar sat proudly outside of her shaded den. The first members were adapting nicely, and she could tell at this rate Aspenclan could truly call themselves the strongest in the forest someday. This made her excited."I'll show Stormstar, and he'll be sorry." She smiled to herself, but there was still something that bugged her. Why had Stormstar always been so kind to her, then just kicked her out? She shoved it away."Don't have any second thoughts on the mangy flea-bag." She growled, a little louder than she intended. Thunderstrike came to her."You okay Mysticstar?" She nodded lightly."Yes, I'm fine." Thunderstrike could tell she need to get her mind off of something."Why don't you send Bluegaze and someone to go on border patrol." 

"Very well." Mysticstar padded to the Tall Stump."Bluegaze," She called for the she-cat's attention."With you as my deputy, I expect you to make border patrols and hunting patrols." Bluegaze nodded and looked around thoughtfully."I'll take Thunderstrike on border patrol." Mysticstar nodded."Good, please be quick. We must make sure no clan even tries to take territory." Thunderstrike shrugged and followed Bluegaze into the burrow.
Bluegaze and Thunderstrike walked calmly along the established border, rubbing on trees and rocks to leave the new Aspenclan scent."Did you hear that?" Thunderstrike pricked his ears. Bluegaze listened, and they both heard faint talking. The two cats slunk into the undergrowth, knowing how to blend and went until the voices grew stronger. They stopped at the edge of a clearing to find a large group of cats."We need to get going." A ginger tom said."If we are going to find this new clan we need to hurry." A silver she-cat looked at him."Firetail, we don't even know if they're new just by scenting their borders. And my siblings are tired." She turned to two apprentice-aged cats.

"They are new, Silverwing. The scent wasn't as strong as the other clan borders." Firetail said in quick response."But fine, we can rest." He settled down."Your worrying too much." A white she-cat with black dapples smiled at him."Everything will be fine." They all settled down and began to sleep."Wait," Thunderstrike and Bluegaze emerged from the ferns. All the adult cats jumped up defensively, and Silverwing told the younger ones to stay behind them."Who are you?" A black she-cat hissed the demand."Calm down, who do you think we are?" Bluegaze rolled her eyes."I'm Bluegaze, the deputy of Aspenclan." All the cats straightened their faces with realization and stood straighter."We heard you wanted to join the clan." Thunderstrike sat down calmly.

The black she-cat nodded."That was the idea we had." Two small ginger cats ran up to Bluegaze and Thunderstrike."I'm Burningpaw!" The tom beamed."That's my sister Rosepaw." He looked to her. Thunderstrike purred."Nice to meet you." He turned his gaze back up to the others."If that's the case, follow us." He nodded to Bluegaze and they both turned back into the undergrowth.
"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Tall Stump for our first official clan meeting!" Mysticstar yowled. Everyone gathered except for Emraldeyes, who watched from the nursery with her kits."First off, we have Silverwing as our medicine cat." The she-cat dipped her head with a smile."Next, Firetail, Silverfrost, Stellarnight, and Smokefern will join us as warriors!" All four smiled around at the other cats proudly, then moved to make room for the apprentices."By naming apprentices we show that Aspenclan is growing stronger. Burningpaw, Rosepaw, Lunapaw, Grasspaw, and Ripplepaw, do you promise to train hard and learn the way of the warrior code?"

The five young apprentice nodded their heads eagerly."We do." Mysticflight looked around thoughtfully."Then by the power of Starclan, I make you apprentices. Burningpaw, your mentor will be Bluegaze. Rosepaw, your mentor will be Thunderstrike. Lunapaw, your mentor will be Willowlily. Grasspaw, your mentor will be Dustshadow. Ripplepaw, your mentor will be me." She allowed the others to touch noses, then leaped down to touch her nose with Ripplepaw."That is all, meeting dismissed." She turned to Bluegaze."I want you to organize a hunting patrol."



  1. Bluegaze beamed at her apprentice. "So.... What do you want to do first? Train, hunt, or take a tour of the territory?" She thought for a second. She thought of thunderstrike, her crush. "Do you want to be with your sister? Because I can ask Thunderstrike if he wants to-"
    "Take it easy, Bluegaze, you're getting a little over-excited." Dustshadow chuckled, entering the conversation.
    "Well, I'm minding my own business, unlike you." Bluegaze answered, head held high.
    "I'm just saying, I mean, I'm excited too, but you, well, you're completely differant."
    "Humph. Come on, Burningpaw, this conversation is over." She stormed off.

    Hawkkit bounced over to Lunapaw. "Hi, What's your name? I'm Hawkkit!"

    Willowlily smiled at lunapaw from across the clearing.

  2. Burningpaw took one glance at the un-easy looking Rosepaw and nodded. "I want to train with my sister," He meowed shortly.

    Hearing her name, Rosepaw looked up. Her brother had said he wanted to train with her. Good, she thought. I won't have to be alone, and he can awnser the questions for me.

    Silverfrost and Firetail dipped their heads, thankfully.

  3. Silverwing flicked her ears with a smile. She turned to Moonpaw. "Hello, how do you do?" she asked. "Nice to meet you."

    Lunapaw smiled at the kit. "I'm Lunapaw," she mewed with a purr. "Very nice to meet you."

  4. Hawkkit's big round eyes met hers, sadness over coming him. "I wanna be an apprentice too."

  5. Lunapaw sighed. "I know," she mewed, taking in the kit's gloomy expression. "Tell you what," she mewed. "Let me teach you some things now. You'll be the best apprentice of them all.

  6. Hawkkit perked up. "Really? What can I learn? Hunting? Fighting? I like hunting cus you get food." He started bouncing in a circle around her.

  7. Lunapaw laughed. "Let's do hunting, then," she purred. She then crouched down and slid forward smoothly over the ground. "This is called the hunters' crouch," Lunapaw explained. "It helps you to be silent and sneaky in the forest."
